It is drank after a shock, much better than any medicine. For cheering someone up, the cup-of- tea and sympathy remedy. Drank in the car, overlooking the stormy sea, it steams up the windows - very British. In small Irish villages some people have their own mug behind the bar for a cup of tea (when the hubby is drinking too much Guinness or Murphy's). In some workplaces unfortunate souls have to drink from polystyrene cups. The teapot sometimes wears a cosy...not sure where I am on that.
Tea can be Breakfast, Lovers Leap, Darjeeling, Gunpowder, Assam, Earl Grey, Afternoon, Lapsang, Oolong, builders, decaf (what's that all about?).......but when it comes to rose (or mint) I think we should think of a new name for the drink, lovely as it is if someone offered me a cup of tea and produced this it would be like being handed, say, a coffee when you requested tea.
Don't knock the decaf, m'dear, it has medicinal qualities... (doesn't bring on heart palpitations in those of a weak disposition)
ReplyDelete...Builder's-strength Assam takes some beating though :)
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Conor. I know you know your tea having tasted through the lot in the Esther days. And the embarrassing tea moments with the plumber!
ReplyDeleteI recently broadened my tea horizions and purchased a few cups worth of a ginger tea. This was the 1st ever cup of not normal tea that actually tasted a bit like tea, with ginger. It was lovely.
ReplyDeleteOh ,and i will get to your header this weekend Ali, I promise.